- Do you want to increase your exhibitor retention rate?
- Do you want to attract more exhibitors?
- Do you want to deliver a memorable visitor experience?
By engaging with our consultants, you will discover how to:
- engage with an on-going source of potential new exhibitors
- bring back past and lost exhibitors
- show your exhibitors how strategic live marketing must connect with their business plan
- highlight the five key benefits why companies must exhibit at your shows
- harness the three key elements of strategic engagement between exhibitors and visitors.
- demonstrate how exhibitors can extend their impact for a further 360 days
- give your exhibitors a compelling reason to talk to you again after the show
- promote and reward exhibitor excellence
- upskill and inspire your own staff to understand and deliver high performance exhibiting
- set an example by exhibiting successfully at your own shows

“I think the Exhibitor Strategy Review and Report is great as it focuses exhibitors on understanding why it is that they are attending the show and exactly what it is that they want to achieve. The process doesn’t just focus on one part of the decision making procedure, but on the exhibiting process as a whole which I think is important. We have always been delighted with The Exhibiting Agency’s meticulous and friendly approach to exhibiting strategy.”
“Any organiser who’s serious about delivering a great return on their exhibitor’s investment and resolute about reducing client churn, needs to do more than just rely on the skill of their marketing departments to deliver the right type of visitors.
Working with key exhibitors to ensure they get best possible results from exhibiting has been an essential ingredient of our success in taking The Big 5 brand into 4 countries in as many years.
We work with The Exhibiting Agency to train our key exhibitors to plan pre-show, work effectively on their stands and commit to following up post event. It works every time”
“Many thanks for delivering such a great Masterclass for the Infosecurity vendors; both internal and external feedback has been very positive indeed”.