Our big story this month is that we have an addition to The Exhibiting Agency Team – Lucie Apampa, marketing student from Salford University.
In partnership with Unite with Business – Lucie will join us for ten weeks working on a specific telemarketing project.
Find out more about unite with business here.
And we all wish Lucie well in her new role.
John presents at the The QEIICC’s latest Masterclass – Positive Attraction
The latest in this successful series looked at marketing and how it can be used to attract, nurture and retain your delegates. The Masterclass was facilitated by Steve Elliot from Blackberry Productions, with sessions lead by Steve, Ian Irving from Public Worldwide and John Blaskey from The Exhibition Agency.
The usual story with the feedback from the Masterclass – over 70% of the delegates did not know what value / return on investment they achieved at their last event.
Some comments / learning from the delegates when asked what the highlight of the session:
“Tradeshows are the flirting…”
“Agreeing a marketing profile”
“Effectiveness and /importance of following up”
“Exhibiting needs commitment”
“Marketing profile questions asked”
“Memory hook”“Open your mind to new ideas”
“To think differently”
“John’s passion and balanced comedy style. Currently in process of changing whole events programme so will be looking at measuring more and being more effective.”