November began with John speaking at The Academy for Chief Executives – Directors Forum Group 2 – the session was well received and some frank and honest feedback given (as is more than expected from ACE members!!).
Following Huntswood’s strategy and planning workshop back in September, Sarah and the team used all the tools and processes that had been offered to them. Deciding on a Gallery theme. They hired a professional spotter from our team and adopted Outcomes.
John provided an in house workshop for the team at Construction Computer Software (exhibiting at The Big 5) challenging them to review their total approach to Exhibiting. Joanna Pollard had attended a DMG Masterclass in September and hired The Exhibiting Agency to work them through Strategy Review, Exhibitor Planning Report and a Creative and Implementation Workshop.
An exciting and very different theme was agreed. John trained CCS staff to “spot”, feedback forms and Outcomes agreed – and Jo and her ladies were flying high.
After a very stressful pre-show disaster (the stand was flooded) the team were thrilled with the results:
339 qualified leads – 79% of which had not heard of CCS before the show!
108 CCS assessed as three star leads and 48 requests for call backs.
TFS (also exhibiting at The Big 5) and just one week before the show held a Skype workshop (John in the UK and the TFS team in Dubai).
Peter Titus, MD, having already created a comprehensive strategy and plan (based on what he had learnt from The Exhibiting Agency Masterclass he had attended) wanted to ensure all his efforts would come to fruition.
They closed off their stand (difficult with massive pieces of machinery), allocated staff to “Spotting”, created a journey inside their tent and took qualified visitors around their story. Created a feedback form and adopted Outcomes. They also had a “Tracker” a dedicated data entry person to enter their leads immediately, triggering an automatic thank you to their visitors.
221 qualified leads – 87% not heard of TFS before the show
85 requests for call backs
Invaluable market research and insight into where their prospective new customers are located. Which also provided a number of leads to one of their other divisions!
And now to DWC – apart from achieving over 1,150 leads from the kiosk at the World Trade Centre over the last 12 weeks. Business Park – DWC had a fantastic 616 qualified leads from their exhibition stand at The Big 5.
411 looking to open business in Dubai within the next 6 months
375 are Business Owners / CEOs or MDs
342 requests for call backs
Whilst attending The Big 5 John provided an at-show Masterclass for next years prospective exhibitors and al all too familiar story emerges – almost 100% of the attendees do not know or did not measure their results from their last exhibition. Don’t be one oft hem – call us – we can help!
Alere go it alone in Cape Town – our long term client attended ICASA a week long exhibition in South Africa. We have been working with Alere all year on their exhibiting programme, and although no formal strategy review with The Exhibiting Agency took place this time – the Global Marketing Team have learnt a lot – but still hired our professional, trained staff and adopted Outcomes to measure their results. 519 qualified leads entered into the system – 455 calls to action – 382 of which signing up to which was one of their main objectives.
Unaccustomed as we are to exhibiting ourselves!! John took a small stand (at the request of the Executive Director, Associations Network) at their congress in London. The aim to survey their members on Exhibitor and Event Sponsor Management.
Click here to see the first set of results – these will be updated once all members have completed the survey – watch this space…
This pretty much bring us to the end of 2013 – so on behalf of The Exhibiting Agency I wish you a very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Thanks for reading. I look forward to updating you in 2014.